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The HTXelerator
2022 Application Form

Applications are currently closed. Keep an eye out for our 2023 HTXelerator Cohort applications opening next year!

Dear HTXelerator applicant:

Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2022 HTXelerator class. If selected, you will be among a cohort of future-focused leaders who believe Houston’s best path forward is through responsible growth, transportation infrastructure investments, economic development, technological innovation, pro-environment policies and big-picture thinking.

A couple prerequisites: you must live in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area and you must be at least 21 years old.


Our focus is to provide a very experiential education on how Houston city government functions. Who should apply? Anyone who wants a deep understanding of the major policy issues facing Houston and how planning for the future is the most responsible way to maintain and improve Houston’s famed quality of life. Also, if you are interested in serving on a city board or commission or possibly running for city council, you should apply to the HTXelerator. We seek applicants from all city council districts and seek diversity in backgrounds, professions, age, gender, race, and ethnicity.

The HTXelerator starts September 10, 2022 with an immersive opening weekend retreat and ends on December 7, 2022. Following, the HTXelerator includes nine weekly evening sessions on a wide range of municipal issues, a closing weekend retreat on media training, how to run and manage campaigns, class project presentations, and the Pitch Competition. The program ends with the HTXL Games in December.

There is no application fee and, if admitted, the HTXelerator tuition is $250 which includes the opening weekend retreat, the weekly education sessions, closing weekend retreat and The Pitch. Tuition scholarships are available for qualified applicants. The application deadline is August 22, 2022. DEADLINE EXTENDED, APPLY NOW!

If you have any questions, please contact Randy Romman or Katherine Culbert.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board, thank you for applying and good luck!

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